> Dear CPAN Testers,
> It has been noted that one or more test reports you have submitted, 
> regarding CPAN distribution uploads, have unfortunately been sent with 
> incorrectly formatted subjects, which means that the automated reporting 
> tools, are unable to parse and record your reports correctly.
> Please Note: If any of these reports are due to non-standard formatted 
> uploads, the authors of those respective uploads will have been 
> notified, and you can disregard this email.
> The reports in question are:
> 2543959,[EMAIL PROTECTED],missing - PASS - x86_64-linux-thread-multi 
> The number at the beginning of the line is the NNTP ID of the report as 
> recorded by the CPAN testers NNTP server, and can be seen by searching 
> list archives replace the <NNTP ID> in the following URL with the 
> appropriate number:
> http://www.nntp.perl.org/group/perl.cpan.testers/<NNTP ID>
> The correct format of the distribution should be:
> <distribution name>-<distribution version>
> while the correct format for the subject line should be:
> <grade> <distribution name>-<distribution version> <platform>
> For example:
> PASS Acme-Example-3.1.7 openbsd 4.0
> If you have since corrected this subject formatting in your reports, 
> please ignore this mail. These mails are generated based on the past 
> months uploads, and only notes the reports which have not been parsed 
> correctly for the CPAN Testers and CPAN Statistics sites.

I wouldn't dare to change the format of the reports - as I know how much
fuss it would create - nor do I see how doing that would be useful.

> On the other hand, if this is not part of a simple fix to part of your 
> smoke testing script/application, but is a fault one of the recommended 
> automated tools, please let me know which ones you are using, as this 
> will help to identify any potential bugs within the tools.

This machine uses Test::Reporter 1.5202 since yesterday.
It also uses CPANPLUS::YACSMoke 0.22 with CPANPLUS 0.84 for a few weeks.

> Note that I 
> do not review these emails, so please reference the affected test 
> reports listed above in any correspondance. Thanks.

Since all testing is automatic, I unfortunately don't know which reports
are misformed (or else I wouldn't let them being sent).

> If you have any questions about the CPAN testers mechanisms, please 
> don't hesitate to ask. For more information about CPAN Testers, please 
> see the CPAN Testers Wiki - http://wiki.cpantesters.org - or join the 
> CPAN Testers Discuss mailing list by sending a blank email to 

I'm already following the list. Cc'ing.

> Thanks for contributing to CPAN and Perl by being a CPAN Tester.

Thanks for managing it.

> Regards,
> Barbie.

Vincent Pit.

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