[CCing Gabor in case he's not on the list]

On Tue, Jan 06, 2009 at 02:16:09PM +0200, Gabor Szabo wrote:

> Looking at the reports it seems there are relatively few reports for Padre.
> So my question is, if this is normal or are some smokers skipping
> Padre for some reason?
> In other words, how could I get more reports on more platforms?

You depend on Wx, which is excluded from my testing because in my
experience it can only be built manually, as it's hard to automate the
ritual circle of goat's blood that's needed.

So even if I didn't also exclude Padre.* from testing, you still
wouldn't get any test results from me, because of the missing dependency.
Padre.* is excluded from my testing simply to save the time that would be
wasted chasing dependencies for something that's never going to work
anyway because of the missing Wx.  

If you could seperate bits that aren't dependent on threading or Wx out
into other packages and have Padre depend on them, then you would at
least get better testing of those bits.  No idea how practical that is

header   FROM_DAVID_CANTRELL    From =~ /david.cantrell/i
describe FROM_DAVID_CANTRELL    Message is from David Cantrell
score    FROM_DAVID_CANTRELL    15.72 # This figure from experimentation

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