On Wednesday 18 February 2009, Aristotle Pagaltzis wrote:
> Hi Ville,
> * Chris 'BinGOs' Williams <ch...@bingosnet.co.uk> [2009-02-17 15:10]:
> > On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 09:15:21AM +0200, Ville Skytt? wrote:
> > > All the failure reports from you fail in the test suite with
> > > "Can't locate LWP/RobotUA.pm in @INC [...]".  I'm wondering
> > > why this happens, because W3C-LinkChecker has a dependency on
> > > LWP and your reports indicate that it is installed, but both
> > > LWP and LWP::RobotUA are part of the libwww-perl package so
> > > either none of them or both should be installed, not LWP
> > > alone.
> as an aside to this discussion, please note that your list of
> dependencies in Makefile.PL should mention every single module
> you `use`, even if several of them are part of the same
> distribution.

Yeah, I already knew this, the reason is more or less just laziness on my 
part.  I'll try to do something about it in future releases I upload to CPAN.

By the way, in my experience a lot of other CPAN distributions have the same 
issue; especially commonly omitted dependencies include modules that are 
included in some versions of "core" perl.  Perhaps this is a sign of that 
these things should be more prominently documented in depth somewhere where 
people are likely to find the info?

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