On Tue, Nov 03, 2009 at 07:25:36PM -0800, cr...@animalhead.com wrote:
> Hello CPAN testers,


> The mm library, which is a non-CPAN prerequisite for IPC::MMA, is  
> quite easy to download and install from http://www.ossp.org/pkg/lib/mm/

Added so far to:

 alphaserver Debian Linux using apt-get
 Ubuntu Linux server using apt-get
 FreeBSD 6.4 using ports, it is in devel/mm 
 FreeBSD 7.2 using ports, it is in devel/mm
 Darwin, compiled and installed from source tarball

As it is in FreeBSD ports, I'm confident that it'll be in OpenBSD ports
and pkgsrc (used by NetBSD, Midnight BSD and Dragonfly BSD), but it
looks like it is painless to install from source.

I'll roll it out across my smoke boxen as I bring them online for testing.

I'll look forward to investigating your module further as I am
after a viable portable alterative to IPC::Shareable, which is anything but,
( viable and portable that is >:) )


Chris Williams
aka BinGOs
PGP ID 0x4658671F

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