* Nigel Horne <n...@bandsman.co.uk> [2010-01-19 11:20]:
> Can we bring pressure to bear on the CPAN maintainers?

That doesn’t sound like a good idea to me. I would prefer that
people create modules because they want to, and high-quality
modules because they want to, not because they’ll be kicked out
of the club if they don’t meet some standard – and if we take the
CPAN Testers as a standard, an unclear one as well.

But it would certainly be useful to *users* if more measures were
taken to avoid inundating them with unproductive choices. To that
end, I don’t think they should be warned when they ask to install
a module – or at least that shouldn’t be the only measure. Rather
it might be useful if the CPAN Testers results would affect the
search.cpan.org results page more directly. Both the display and
the ranking of results could use the aggregate reports.

But even then, one has to be careful not to create the same kind
of de facto club that we tried to avoid in the first place. This
needs a lot of Nth-order thinking about system effects for a good
chance to get it right.

The current approach of doing nothing about the problem is bad,
but it’s unclear whether it’s any worse than the problems that
any attempted solution might create.

Aristotle Pagaltzis // <http://plasmasturm.org/>

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