David Golden wrote:
At long last, I think we're ready to beta test CT2.0.

I haven't yet deployed rafl's app to distribute CT2.0 ID files, so if
you are interested in beta testing, please email me and I will email
you an ID file and instructions.  ID files replace email addresses as
the way individual testers are identified.

At this point, I only want a handful of people for the beta test --
Serguei already volunteered to cover CPAN+CPAN::Reporter.  I'd like to
get 3 or 4 more, including some CPANPLUS-based smokers.

Once the ID file distribution app is deployed and I don't have to
manually send out ID files, I'll open up the beta to anyone

-- David
I'll be glad to help - I'm using CPANPLUS and can fire up a few VMs whenever you're ready and start DDOSing you ;) Please let me know which OS you want me to fire up - I have linux/netbsd/freebsd/opensolaris available atm...

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