On Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 09:47:37AM -0400, David Golden wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 8:43 AM, David Cantrell <da...@cantrell.org.uk> wrote:
> >> Ick.  POSIX.  That's heavy.
> > But has been in core since the dawn of time.
> Yes, but I don't want to impose a load penalty for every test that
> gets sent if tests happen to be run in completely separate processes
> when a two-line replacement will serve.

On this 'ere machine, the time difference between these two:

$ perl -e0
$ perl -MPOSIX -e0

is under a hundredth of a second.  And that's on an eight year old box.
That said, just sprintf does the job just as well.

OK, it was *2* hundredths of a second before POSIX.pm got cached.

David Cantrell | Cake Smuggler Extraordinaire

Just because it is possible to do this sort of thing
in the English language doesn't mean it should be done

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