On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 6:39 PM, Barbie <bar...@missbarbell.co.uk> wrote:
> I'm happy to go with either solution. Though the summary line version
> probably is the more correct solution, the X-header would be the easier
> to parse.

OK.  It turned out to be a lot more work than I originally
anticipated, but I just released Test-Reporter-1.57:

  - includes full Perl -V output -- for human consumption
  - adds X-Test-Reporter-Perl header -- for easier parsing

Here's the format:

    X-Test-Reporter-Perl: v5.12.0 RC0

I think in CPAN::Testers::Common::Article it's just a matter of saving
it from the header into an attribute in new() and then having
_extract_perl_version parse the saved value if it exists instead of
searching the report body.

The header will also be preserved through file save/load, but I have
not yet done corresponding work on the CT2.0
Test::Reporter::Transport::Metabase.  (I'm out of tuits for tonight)
It's possible that all 5.12.0 reports on CT2.0 will need to be purged.

I view this all as an awful stop-gap measure, but the value of smoking
against 5.12.0 RC perls seems worth it.

If anyone has problems with 1.57, please let me know ASAP.

-- David

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