David Golden wrote:

I have ranted in many other forums that dotted decimal versions should
always be expressed in "normal" form -- meaning a leading v and at
least 3 parts (v2.17.1 or v2.6.0) to avoid confusion.

I strongly disagree.

ExtUtils::MakeMaker doesn't handle v-strings. It's documented in http://search.cpan.org/dist/ExtUtils-MakeMaker/lib/ExtUtils/MakeMaker.pm, it's advised to "use version" or regular strings. I had some bad experience because of v-strings in certain modules' Makefile.PL because '2.1.3' > 2.1.4 and v49.46.48 == 1.0

I'd say any version that has more than one dot in it, is evil. And v-strings 
are even more evil.

Serguei Trouchelle

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