>>>>> On Sat, 25 Sep 2010 08:56:15 -0400, Nigel Horne <n...@bandsman.co.uk> 
>>>>> said:

 >> [master 4c1b901] Nigel Horne had a broken perl that couldn't cope with 
 >> 0+(1<0), so the question came up why Version.pm has the 0+; since I do not 
 >> see any reason it's being removed; all tests pass
 >> 1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
  > When will this be published?  I thought from this email that is has
  > been, but I've waited several days and I'm still told that my
  > CPAN::Version is up-to-date at version 5.5.

Can you try from the repo? That way you do not have to wait for a

% grep -1 repo META.yml 
    repository:  git://github.com/andk/cpanpm.git


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