An amazing achievement, congratulations Barbie :-)

This seems as good a time as any to say thanks for CPANTS, I'm
completely addicted to seeing my code run on hundreds of machines and
getting PASS reports back, and of course it's such an amazingly useful
feature for the CPAN to have when I'm considering other people's
modules to use. Thanks to you and to everybody involved!

- Alex

On Tue, Jan 18, 2011 at 11:50 AM, Barbie <> wrote:
> After all the performance improvements and code refactoring of the last
> few weeks, I'm delight to see that the Reports Builder had nothing to do
> for 20 minutes a little while ago.
> For the past few days the time between a report being submitted and
> appearing on the Reports website was down to under 12 hours. It's now
> down to under 2 hours.
> There are still improvements to be done, but the next stage of my plans
> are to get the code packaged and released :)
> Cheers,
> Barbie.
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