On Mon, 04 Apr 2011 04:07:39 +0200, David Golden <dagol...@cpan.org> wrote:

On Sun, Apr 3, 2011 at 5:08 PM, Christian Walde <mitha...@yahoo.de> wrote:
Only remotely related:
- How open is CPAN.pm to pull requests that consist only of refactorings to
reduce the amount of code duplication?

I have no time to think about the real issue, but I'm +1 for
refactoring.  I've been doing it where I can when I work on stuff. I'd
be happy to see more of it.

Awesome, thanks for the answer.

*However* -- test coverage is really low, so refactoring can seem safe
but we're operating without a net.  I'd love to see someone work up
some good regression testing to support refactoring.

Alright, i love writing tests. A few questions on that though:

- What perl version is targeted by future CPANs?
- What restrictions/procedures lie on pulling in modules beyond what CPAN/core 
ship? (Specifically, Capture::Tiny seems indispensible for building up a good 
test suite.)

With regards,
Christian Walde

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