Shlomi Fish wrote:

I'm testing with an old XML-Writer, because your module does not provide a
minimum version. Apparantly your module does not work with all versions of
My smoker tries to create scenarios in which older versions of the module
are already installed. So this shows that if someone with this version of
XML-Writer installed tries to install your module, CPAN/CPANPLUS won't
upgrade XML-Writer.

Please stop doing that. I'm not interested in such "terminal-case" reports,
which may be very unrealistic.

In real world, they are very REALISTIC. People don't update modules in production just because they can. Only when they must.

So please either stop doing that altogether or
alternatively black list all of my (= SHLOMIF's) distributions from this kind
of testing.

Why don't you just specify a minimum supported version of XML::Writer in Build.PL? It's much easier and definitely more correct than anything else.

Serguei Trouchelle

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