Hey...that looks familiar...
All I can tell you is that when I was translating from File to Email,
that worked just fine. Here's the same script the way I
modified it for Metabase, but note that I have not been running the
CPAN Testers (as every time I try to update my minicpan, IT boots me
off the network...considering using a sneakernet minicpan but there's
a willpower factor involved...) and so it is not tested with versions
of Test::Reporter more recent than 1.57. At that time, though,
everything pretty much worked.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use Test::Reporter;

opendir(DIR, '/usr/share/reports');
@reports = grep { /^[^.]/ && -f "/usr/share/reports/$_" } readdir(DIR);
closedir DIR;

foreach $file (@reports) {
        unless (-e "/usr/share/reports/$file") {next}
        $reporter->transport_args(uri =>
"https://metabase.cpantesters.org/api/v1/";, id_file =>
        print "$file\n";
        $error ? print $error."\n" && next : undef;
        `rm -f /usr/share/reports/$file`;
        $error ? (print $error."\n") || last : undef;

On Thu, Oct 27, 2011 at 11:37 AM, Chris Marshall <devel.chm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm trying to implement a way to submit CPAN Testers
> reports generated offline from the report files.  Here
> is the script I came up with and just tried.  The problem
> is it appears from the tail/log.txt from the metabase site
> that some of the information of the sending perl
> instance (cygwin perl) may have gotten mixed in
> with the information of the test report (asperl).  Is this
> a bug in the metabase transport or is there something
> else I need to add to make this work?
> Thanks in advance,
> Chris

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