On Sat, Mar 10, 2012 at 10:02:11PM +0000, David Cantrell wrote:
> Using DBI::Shell, executing this query against the database at
> http://devel.cpantesters.org/cpanstats.db.gz ...
>  SELECT id, state, tester, dist, version, platform, perl, osname
>    FROM cpanstats
>   WHERE id > 20618074 AND
>         state IN ('pass', 'fail', 'na', 'unknown') AND
>         perl != '0' 
> gives ...
> id,state,tester,dist,version,platform,perl,osname
> 20618075,'pass','r...@klanker.bingosnet.co.uk ((Charlie
> &))','Net-Inspect','0.09','x86_64-linux','5.15.7','linux'
> DBD::SQLite::st fetchrow_arrayref failed: database disk image is
> malformed, <FIN> line 5.
> And it's not just because my download of the database aborted half way,
> or my filesystem filling up, or it not being able to cope with big
> files.
> This has been happening for a couple of days now - anyone know what's
> going on?  Barbie?

Andreas has already alerted me to this, but even recreating the SQLite
DB from scratch has the same problem. The only thing I can think of is
that the DB is so big now that SQLite has problems storing the data. 

This is why I want to look at an alternative method of getting at the
data. I'm going to look at creating an API that returns the records in
CSV or JSON format for a given range of IDs. This will allow you to
maintain your own DB as you wish, rather than have to continually
download several Gig repeatedly.

Birmingham Perl Mongers <http://birmingham.pm.org>
Memoirs Of A Roadie <http://barbie.missbarbell.co.uk>
CPAN Testers Blog <http://blog.cpantesters.org>
YAPC Conference Surveys <http://yapc-surveys.org>
Ark Appreciation Pages <http://ark.eology.org>

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