Thanks again to CPAN Testers reports which
enabled our first PDL release with full support
for 64bit indexing.

By a sequence of CPAN developers releases
through the development process we are able
to make the "current" code available to non-developer
PDL users.  We are able to track issues across
platforms, including ones that our development team
does not have direct access to.  The added
stability of the stable releases means that users
trying to work with PDL aren't forced into the release
often, break often, upgrade often cycle---unless they
want to.

Chris Marshall
PDL-2.007 Release Manager

Re: PDL-2.4.10: a CPAN Testers success story
On Thu, May 24, 2012 at 1:18 AM, chm <> wrote:
> CPAN Testers reports have made possible the
> PDL-2.4.11 release with support for perl 5.16.0.
> Using the test reports we were able to finish
> a quick turn-around release to coincide with the
> perl 5.16.0 release.  It looks like the PDL-2.4.11
> release is starting out as the best testing
> release ever.
> Thanks for making this possible.
> Chris Marshall
> PDL-2.4.11 release manager
> On 2/16/2012 7:57 AM, chm wrote:
>> I wanted to acknowledge the contributions of CPAN
>> Testers in making the latest PDL-2.4.10 official
>> release the first ever with 100% PASS reports on
>> all platforms (at least for the first 167 reports).
>> Without the diagnostic information provided by the
>> test reports and the help from the smoker operators
>> to investigate specific fails, this would not have
>> been possible.
>> Thanks for all your help and a special thanks to
>> Barbie for keeping things running until our
>> release announcement. :-)
>> Regards,
>> Chris Marshall
>> PDL-2.4.10 release manager

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