Hi Karen,

Going back to your original thought...

(Other testers: should we put a minimum bar on the acceptable version of
> CPAN.pm/CPANPLUS for smoking, if we know that earlier versions are
> guaranteed to produce bad results?  I've thought about adding a check right
> in Makefile.PL for the version of the cpan client (for information purposes
> only - that wouldn't affect the outcome of the build) -- what versions
> should I be looking for?)

Specifically for the smokers, this might not be a bad thing. However, it
can still be nice to see whether the base install (including the toolchain)
is capable of getting a PASS report. Sadly, it isn't easy to detect this
currently, so that the reports site could selectively allow you to ignore
FAILs on base installs, where a newer part of the toolchain exists.

If we were to recommend a minimum version for each part of the toolchain
(and smoke chain too), I think this should be a page on the CPAN Testers
Wiki, that we can refer testers to. Particularly new testers. However, what
are the minimum versions? Would suggestions be made based on the perl
version, or a blanket minimum version? Recommendation would need to cover
all 3 main installers and associate smoker clients, as well as the
transport tools.

Does anyone have any minimum recommendations to start with (aside from "the
latest version")?


Birmingham.pm - http://birmingham.pm.org
CPAN Testers - http://cpantesters.org
YAPC Surveys - http://yapc-surveys.org
Perl Jam - http://perljam.info

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