Hi Tom

On 08/02/16 17:19, Tom Molesworth wrote:
Hi Ron,

On 08/02/16 06:04, Ron Savage wrote:
A brand new module (Image::Magick::CommandParser) is getting this error:
"bsd_glob" is not defined in %File::Glob::EXPORT_TAGS at
C:/strawberry/perl/lib/File/Glob.pm line 11. It's 'perl 5.10.1' in
this case.


The syntax I used is:
use File::Glob ':bsd_glob';

That was added in File::Glob 1.17, which shipped with perl 5.16 - see

$many x thanx;

I retreated (sic) to POG - Plain Ol' Glob.

Ron Savage - savage.net.au

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