On Jan 30, 2008 1:33 PM, David Cantrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Sort of.  The fault appears to be with XML::SAX, which is broken
> when installed using CPAN.pm.  You're getting failure reports because
> one of your dependencies is broken in a way that CPAN::Reporter can't
> detect (it passes its tests) and so the FAIL report for your module
> doesn't get suppressed like it should be.  Until XML::SAX is fixed, can
> you force it to use XML::SAX::PurePerl if there appears to be no parser
> installed, using XML::SAX->add_parser()?  Or is there another XML parsey
> thing you can use instead?

That might be possible, but I'm not sure it's a good idea.   It will only
serve to mask a real problem - the module really is useless with a broken
XML::SAX.  I was thinking about releasing a version that blew up in
Makefile.PL when it detected a broken XML::SAX install.  Is there a way I
can blow up that tells your test-bots not to email me?

and so it goes and creates a ParserDetails.ini file, but in the
> perl-5.6.2/.cpan/build/XML-SAX-0.16-BgiDq8/blib/lib/XML/SAX/ directory.
> That is, obviously, only in @INC while I'm installing XML::SAX.  Having
> taken a quick gander at the XML::SAX source, it looks like this will
> affect at least everyone who installs it through CPAN.pm.

Odd.  I installed XML::SAX through CPAN just a few days ago on 5.8.8 and
5.10.0 and didn't hit this problem.


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