I think NFS issues are confusing my CPAN.pm and causing it to stall
while it waits for a lock. I'm still trying to track down this problem,
but maybe someone has run into before.

I'm creating a bootstrapping program to install a Perl environment
starting with only a standard Perl 5.10.0 installation, so I'm using 
CPAN.pm 1.9205. I can install a later CPAN.pm, but I can't start
with one. Part of this process involves a sandboxed continuous
integration step where multiple CPAN.pm clients can run simultaneously
because they get a chrooted environment to themselves.

With environments that mount the starting directory over NFS,
CPAN::Shell->install() hangs while trying to lock FTPstats.yml (output
at the end of the message). However YAML is not installed and CPAN.pm
warns about this.

Running the same code on the same account but on the system that
exports the directory has no problems.

Utlimately,  I wouldn't mind a feature to disable locking, like


% perl5.10.0 -MCPAN -e 'install( "Test::Output" )'
CPAN: Storable loaded ok (v2.18)
Going to read /home/bfoy/.cpan/Metadata
  Database was generated on Tue, 17 Feb 2009 20:30:01 GMT
Running install for module 'Test::Output'
CPAN: Data::Dumper loaded ok (v2.121_14)
'YAML' not installed, falling back to Data::Dumper and Storable to
read prefs '/home/bfoy/.cpan/prefs'
Running make for S/SS/SSORICHE/Test-Output-0.12.tar.gz
CPAN: Digest::SHA loaded ok (v5.45)
CPAN: Time::HiRes loaded ok (v1.9711)
Waiting for a read lock on '/home/bfoy/.cpan/FTPstats.yml' (since Tue
Feb 17 15:56:31 2009)
Waiting for a read lock on '/home/bfoy/.cpan/FTPstats.yml' (since Tue
Feb 17 15:56:31 2009)
Waiting for a read lock on '/home/bfoy/.cpan/FTPstats.yml' (since Tue
Feb 17 15:56:31 2009)
Waiting for a read lock on '/home/bfoy/.cpan/FTPstats.yml' (since Tue
Feb 17 15:56:31 2009)
Waiting for a read lock on '/home/bfoy/.cpan/FTPstats.yml' (since Tue
Feb 17 15:56:31 2009)

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