Hans Dieter Pearcey wrote:
Excerpts from David Golden's message of Fri Oct 09 07:47:00 -0400 2009:
10. Add a free-text prerequisite field


Add free-text entries that *describe* prerequisites that cannot be
described right now, like "prerequisite: a working libexpat", "Need a perl
with defined-or", "Need root access to /media/test". (Tux)

Putting human-readable stuff in a file intended primarily for
machine-readability seems of minimal use to me.

I'm in two minds about this. Such a free form field may be useful if you consider that human-readable information may be generated from the META files. (Take a look at search.cpan.org, for example.) I don't see a good way to fill in the information at build time, though, except maybe parsing it from the POD as with abstracts.


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