Hans Dieter Pearcey wrote:
Excerpts from David Golden's message of Fri Oct 09 07:55:36 -0400 2009:
31. Version changes


Description of changes in that versions and tags for changes. Useful for
submission to Freshmeat and for quick review of changes. --Chorny 18:51, 30
September 2009 (BST)

This seems like getting people to agree on a machine-readable changelog format,
which appears only slightly more likely than world peace.  Am I misreading it?

Apart from my usual complaint about "where does the information come from?", this seems possible enough if you leave most of it up to the author: Add a sequence that has a version, an *optional* release date, and (a possibly optional) free-form field of changes. Personally, I'd like to go one step further and make the free form field really an array of free-form fields for individual changes. That offers the opportunity for opposed authors to use a single one of them as a free-form field for all changes.


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