If we can get the MIRROR.yaml|json system I proposed finally deployed,
this rewrite would become trivially easy.

Adam K

On Sun, Sep 26, 2010 at 10:52 PM, Jarkko Hietaniemi <j...@iki.fi> wrote:
> On Sunday-201009-26 8:16, Ask Bjørn Hansen wrote:
>> On Sep 26, 2010, at 4:49, Jarkko Hietaniemi wrote:
>>> It has become the time for me to admit to what has probably been pretty
>>> obvious for anyone else already for some time - I do not have the time
>>> to give CPAN the attention it deserves.  Time to pass the baton, etc.
>> Thank you Jarkko -- had it not been for your early invention and work with
>> CPAN I don't think many of us would be here or be as productive with Perl as
>> we are.
> On a more urgent note: could you and Elaine coordinate on moving/copying
> stuff out of gargoyle where e.g. the mirrors.cpan.org runs?
> The webster.edu has given us a strong hint of moving out a.s.a.p.
> I think the first order of things would be just copying data out of
> gargoyle, we can worry about the services later.
> In the FUNET side things are not as critical to move out though their
> admins do worry about the insane rsync load.  Whatever the future
> system is, direct plain rsync connections should not be recommended:
> rsync is just too heavy.  I and Elaine do have accounts to FUNET
> and can move stuff in and out (more accounts though not impossible
> are unlikely).
> Regarding the maintenance scripts in FUNET: there isn't much that I
> would be, ahem, proud to share: they are mostly dead simple shell /
> very early Perl 5 scripts.  For 95% of that stuff I would recommend writing
> from scratch.  Perhaps the most important new thing needed
> would be some sort of CPAN mirror staleness alerting script, as input
> using Henk Pennings' mirror scan results.  I had over the years a few of
> those systems, all of them rotted eventually.  As an extension of just
> checking the timestamp of the magical timestamp file, it would be nice
> to have some sort of random sampling of mirrors: are they really valid
> uptodate mirrors?
>>  - ask

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