
long time ago I wanted a ExtUtils::CBuilder successor.
Leon started such a one, but it hasn't the features I needed for
e.g. Proc::ProcessTable or Net::Radio::Location::SUPL::Test - so
I started an own one - see http://repo.or.cz/w/ExtUtils-XBuilder.git

Currently I have to figure out how I can avoid retesting same things
and whether I shall put the toolchain class to @XBuilder::ISA or
relying on the Flyweight pattern.

But I wanted you stay up-to-date.

PS: For reasons why Proc::ProcessTable took so long time to
finish, is that I do it in spare free time - and there're other
Modules need attention, too.

Beside the known ones - DBI and SQL::Statement (plus DBD::CSV, ...),
- DBIx::Log4Perl and RT#79282 (==> Log::Any is very expensive, 'cause
  it expands Log-Strings regardless the log-level is enabled or not)
- MooseX::App::Cmd / MooseX::ConfigFromFile / Getopt::Long::Descriptive
  and Getopt::Long (or any replacement, 'cause of RT#79912, RT#79746
  and https://github.com/mjgardner/moosex-app-cmd/issues/2)

Anyone who is willing to help on ExtUtils::XBuilder is very welcome,
but if not - please don't touch Proc::ProcessTable unless you understand
the entire impact (see src/libstatgrab/process_stats.c in http://www.netbsd.org/~sno/smart-snmpd/libstatgrab-0.17.20120906.01.tar.gz for details).

Grabbing process stats in a possible multi-threaded environment on so
many different architectures isn't a trivial task and I figured out a solution for most Unices and free systems. Now it's time to integrate
that solution into P::PT - but I need a better CBuilder for it.

Best regards,
Jens Rehsack

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