Apologies in advance if this is the wrong place to post.

I am setting up a new machine with Linux/Ubuntu v13.10 -- the first time in nearly two years when I am using Linux as a desktop. I'm trying to make a clean start with respect to my Perl-related programming practices:

* I want to use perlbrew as much as possible
* I want to use cpanm rather than cpan as much as possible

But I am having a hell of a time trying to get perlbrew to work in the way I am accustomed to it working on my $job MacBook Pro.

I have (several times today) installed perlbrew with this command:

> install App::perlbrew

I now have:

which perlbrew

And I have added: 'source ~/perl5/perlbrew/etc/bashrc' to the end of my ~/.bash_profile file. (AAMOF, it's the only entry yet in that file.)

And I have said: 'perlbrew init'

The following commands work as expected:

perlbrew available
perlbrew install perl-5.18.2
perlbrew list

However, whenever I say:

perlbrew switch perl-5.18.2

I get:

A sub-shell is launched with perl-5.18.2 as the activated perl. Run 'exit' to finish it.


This is unexpected and undesired behavior. On the basis of using perlbrew on my work laptop for > 1 year, I would *not* expect a sub-shell to be opened. I would expect that, from the moment of 'perlbrew switch' forward, I would:

a) stay in the same shell
b) have 'perl -v' point to the 5.18.2 underneath my homedir.

On this new machine, when I am in the subshell, which perl -v gives 5.18.2. But when I exit, I'm back to the vendor perl.

'perldoc perlbrew' documents 'switch' as: Permanently use the specified per as default.

That's the behavior I want. I don't want a subshell to be opened. I want perlbrew switch perl-5.18.2 to make 5.18.2 my default perl.

Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?

Thank you very much.
Jim Keenan

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