Hi Marc, & CPAN Workers,

I’ve been looking into the final two CPAN Testers fails, and have finally got 
to the bottom of them.
The failing test is search50.t, and the problem is where it does the following:

        - call survey() to get hash of name => path
        - foreach name, then call find() and check it returns the same path

There are two CPAN Testers fails:


Basically the problem is that

        - the pod directory has both perlpodstyle and perlpodstyle.pod in it 
(how come?!)
        - the survey() method doesn’t even find perlpodstyle, it just finds 
        - the find() method finds both and it finds perlpodstyle first
        - so the test failed

With this understanding I reproduced the failing test.

The problem comes down to two lines of code. In _make_search_callback(), which 
is invoked by survey(), we have:

        unless( m/^[-_a-zA-Z0-9]+\.(?:pod|pm|plx?)\z/is ) {

So it’s only considering files that end in .pod, .pm, .pl, or .plx

But in find() we have:

        foreach my $ext ('', '.pod', '.pm', '.pl') { # possible extensions

As you can see, it first checks for no extension. Also note that it’s not 
checking for the ‘.plx’ extension, which survey handles. I’ve never come across 
anyone using the .plx extensions, but I guess for a while maybe people did:


I think that the best fix is to make the survey() pattern match files with no 
extensions, and also files with the .plx extension.
This means that survey will scan a number of extra files, but it also scans 
them looking for pod, so it shouldn’t return any false positive. This would 
mean that survey would now find scripts that have pod in them, which it 
currently misses.

Do you agree with the proposed fix, and are there any gotchas I might be 


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