Merging the suggestions I saw so far:

Perl Annual Critical Infrastructure Summit.

A mouthful, and not a fun acronym.

On Sat, Apr 9, 2016 at 6:16 PM, Karen Etheridge <> wrote:
> When I saw this thread title I thought it was going to be discussing the
> "QA" part of it, and I thought "yeah, right on!".. I totally agree with
> Neil's points about what we do not being a "hackathon" though.
> ..And I also like the idea of changing the QA bit to Infrastructure.
> Perl Infrastructure <something> gets a vote from me.
> On Sat, Apr 9, 2016 at 8:50 AM, Kent Fredric <> wrote:
>> On 10 April 2016 at 03:45, David Golden <> wrote:
>> > Perl Toolchain Summit
>> Because "Toolchain" is not really a word that necessarily makes sense
>> outside Perl, you can use "Infrastructure" or even "Critical
>> Infrastructure" in its stead.  ( I personally like Critical, its a
>> very spicy word, and accurately reflects the propensity of this sphere
>> of things to either go pear shaped or steal your SAN Cookies )
>> Also, depending on how many words you want to spend, throwing "Annual"
>> in there might help give some context to how frequently these things
>> happen.
>> The narrative you want to be carrying in your words is:
>> "Every year, we get all our brightest in one place and discuss and
>> work on the most pressing and important problems that affect the the
>> broadest number of concerns in the Perl+CPAN ecosystem"
>> --
>> Kent

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