Hi all,

right now I'm doing my first stepps in wrapping C++ code by ude of Boost.

So, there's a

template<class TYPE> class _Variable

with ctor, dtor, an inspector

TYPE value() const

and a mutator

void value( const TYPE& value).

The boost wrapper looks like this:

#include <Python.h>
#include <boost/python.hpp>
using namespace boost::python;

#include "./src/varbls.h"

#include <string>
using namespace std;

typedef _Variable<double>  VariableDouble;


        .def( init<>())
        .def( init<const double&>())

Nothing special so far. However, what I get upon import is this:

ImportError: /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tau4.DDG/tau4/tau4misc/varbls/cpp/boost/_varbls.so: undefined symbol: _ZN9_VariableIdEC1Ev

The ctor is decl'ed as


and ist's def'ed like so:

template <typename TYPE>
: _value( 0)

To me, everything looks good, but obiously there's something wrong. What do I miss?


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