I recently posted an issue on StackOverflow about some Py++-generated code that 
didn't seem to work.  The question is at 

Simply, I have these classes:

struct classA {
  int intval;
  unsigned int bitfield_member:1;

struct Collection {
  classA * class_a_ptr;

and Py++ generates a wrapper for classA, and setter/getters for 
bitfield_member, but the problem seems to be that the getter for class_a_ptr 
(get_class_a_ptr) returns a classA *, not a classA_wrapper *, and that doesn't 
have the bitfield_member accessors, so doing this in python fails at runtime:

  g = classA()
  coll.class_a_ptr = g
  print coll.class_a_ptr.bitfield_member <-- fails with ArgumentError, wrong 

The solution suggested in the SO question is to change the generated 
bitfield_member setter/getter to take an explicit classA * as "this".  My 
solution instead was to change get_class_a_ptr to return a classA_wrapper *, 
since it has the same data layout as classA.  (The answer in the SO article 
would be hard for me, since in my real case classA has hundreds of members and 
I'd rather not hand-edit them all.)

Either way, it seems py++ generates non-working code for this example.  See the 
SO question for complete details.  Roman, if you're reading this, I presume 
this is the best way to submit these kinds of issues?  I'm happy to post a bug 
report elsewhere if that's appropriate.


-- Gary
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