On Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 6:45 AM, Gary Oberbrunner <ga...@genarts.com> wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Giuseppe Corbelli" <giuseppe.corbe...@copanitalia.com>
> ...
>> What is the exception you see from the python side? something like:
>> ArgumentError: Python argument types in
>>      function_name(function_args)
>> did not match C++ signature:
>>      cpp_function_name(cpp_args)
> That's exactly what I'm trying to figure out!  The c++ exception gets handled 
> in handle_exception and it never gets turned into a python exception as far 
> as I can tell.

My memory on this is a bit fuzzy, but I think it does get translated
to a custom Boost.Python exception (it's either that or a built-in
Python exception, which would make your task much more difficult, if
not impossible).  Unfortunately there's no clear-cut way to import
that exception.  You could try intentionally raising one in a Python
try/except block when your module is imported, though, so you could
store the exception type and reuse it later in subsequent try/except

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