On 3 October 2014 18:23, Jim Bosch <tallji...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Fri, Oct 3, 2014 at 1:15 PM, Stefan Seefeld <ste...@seefeld.name>
> wrote:
>> On 2014-10-03 12:56, MM wrote:
>> > yes i did that.
>> >
>> >     class C {
>> >     public:
>> >       const std::string& get_name() const;
>> >       void set_name(const std::string&);
>> >     private:
>> >       std::string name_;
>> >     };
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >     class_<C>("C").
>> >       .add_property("name",   &C::get_name, &C::set_name);
>> >
>> >
>> > this fails to compile because of unspecified call policies about the
>> > string refs.
>> >
>> >
>> > The following, on the other hand, compiles.
>> >
>> >     class C {
>> >     public:
>> >       const std::string get_name() const;
>> >       void set_name(const std::string);
>> >     ....
>> >     class_<C>("C").
>> >       .add_property("name",   &C::get_name, &C::set_name);
>> >
>> >
>> > Which policy do I specify? and how do I set it in add_property?
>> Good question. The policy you want is likely pass-by-value (In Python
>> strings are immutable anyhow), however I have no idea how to express
>> that with the add_property() call.
>> As a quick hack I suggest adding a wrapper function that returns the
>> result by-value:
>>   std::string get_name(C &c) { return c.get_name();}
>> and use that. That's neither elegant nor efficient (if you call it a
>> lot), but it may unblock you until you find a real fix.
> To use a call policy here, I *think* you'd pass
> return_value_policy<return_by_value>() as the fourth argument to
> add_property, but it may be some slight modification of that.  In any case,
> I suspect that's no more efficient than Stefan's solution in this case.
> Jim
> Not quite. get_property's 4th argument is just a docstring.
It seems only def has a policy argument.

Actually this is a problem because the next 2 properties of the class are
big vectors.

I am gonna go with just defs of getter/setter instead as add_property
doesn't help (i looked at class.hpp inside boost.python)

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