On 28/08/15 09:26 AM, MM wrote:
> This is in too separate modules.
> The converter is registered in module1, and the class_<range_t> in
> module 2.
> I import 1 then 2, then it happens
> Also the intents are different. THe pair<string,string> is to be
> considered as a (str1,str2) tuple of 2 values.
> The pair<string*, string*> is the [begin, end[ iterators into an array
> with value_type string

Oups, sorry, I hadn't noticed that they had different types. Can you
please post a minimal bug self-contained test case ? I'd like to debug
this a bit to better understand what is going on. I believe this should
work as there is no reason the two types should be confused. (It
obviously depends on your "Converter" type, which you haven't shown.)



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