Hi Andy,

We do something very similar to what you describe, except we use doxygen (www.doxygen.org) to output XML files that we use to generate __doc__ strings for our python bindings. We're primarily a linux shop.

I don't know how hard it would be to switch to doxygen, maybe it can deal with C#-ish style comments? But I believe it runs on Linux and Windows so perhaps it might help?


On 11/17/2015 1:17 PM, Andy Falanga (afalanga) wrote:

My team produces a C++ library exported to python via Boost.Python.
We've documented our functions and classes with C#-ish style comments.
These are parse-able by Visual Studio and XML files are built from
them.  When our shared object file is imported in python, a function
opens these files and makes the association of the appropriate
"docstring" in the XML file with the __doc__ property at runtime.

Now that you know how we do it currently, I'd like to know are there
better methods in use by, or known to, those in this list?  The main
hurdle to overcome at this point is that our library is built for both
Windows and Linux.  Because the documentation method has been to use
Visual Studio to build the XML, the Windows build must be done first and
the XML left in some place that the Linux build can reach.  I'd like to
eliminate this dependency for Linux.

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