
Ok.  I have removed all the opus library dependencies and stripped away much of 
everything else.  It seems to me that the name of the generated .so has to 
match the name of the module.  Perhaps I am building incorrectly.  I am using 



#include "memory"
#include <boost/python.hpp>
#include <boost/numpy.hpp>
#include <exception>
#include <memory>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>

namespace bp = boost::python;
namespace np = boost::numpy;

using namespace std;

class OpusEncoderStrategy {



        int fs;
        int channels;
        int application;
        int error;


        using namespace boost::python;

        class_<OpusEncoderStrategy>("OpusEncoderStrategy", init<const int, 
const int, const int>());

> On Sep 8, 2016, at 6:00 PM, Stefan Seefeld <ste...@seefeld.name> wrote:
> Hi Jon,
> please remove the dependency on the "opus/*" headers, so we can compile
> the module ourselves and try to reproduce what you are reporting.
> (That's what I meant with "self-contained test".)
> Thanks,
>        Stefan
> On 08.09.2016 17:30, Jon Lederman wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Thanks for responding.  Here is my header file.  I am compiling this to a 
>> shared object called opus_strategy.so.  If I set the argument of 
>> BOOST_PYTHON_MODULE to opus_encoder_strategy, and compile my .so file to 
>> have the name opus_encoder_strategy.so,I can load the boost python module 
>> into my python interpreter and see the OpusEncoderStrategy class as an 
>> attribute.  
>> However, if I choose other names such as opus_strategy for the argument to 
>> BOOST_PYTHON_MODULE, when I load the boost python object it doesn’t appear 
>> to have any recognized attributes.  I don’t understand why the name should 
>> matter.  As I had noted in my previous email, I would like to have a shared 
>> object file with the name opus_strategy.so that encompasses a set of 
>> classes.  Just can’t figure out how to get it to work.  I am on OS X, BTW if 
>> that matters.   
>> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
>> Thanks.
>> -Jon
>> #include "memory"
>> #include "opus/opus.h"
>> #include "opus/opus_defines.h"
>> #include "opus/opus_multistream.h"
>> #include "opus/opus_types.h"
>> #include <boost/python.hpp>
>> #include <boost/numpy.hpp>
>> #include <exception>
>> #include <memory>
>> #include <map>
>> #include <vector>
>> #include <iostream>
>> namespace bp = boost::python;
>> namespace np = boost::numpy;
>> using namespace std;
>> class OpusEncoderStrategy {
>> public:
>>      OpusEncoderStrategy(const int sample_rate, const int number_channels, 
>> const int opus_application);
>>      ~OpusEncoderStrategy();
>>      opus_int32 encode(const float* pcm, const int frame_size, const 
>> unsigned char* data,  opus_int32 max_data_bytes);
>>      bool setComplexity(const int c);
>>      int getComplexity();
>> private:
>>      bool encoderCtl();
>>      int getPacketDurationBytes();
>>      OpusEncoder* encoder;
>>      int fs;
>>      int channels;
>>      int application;
>>      int error;
>> };
>> BOOST_PYTHON_MODULE(opus_strategy)
>> {
>>      using namespace boost::python;
>>      class_<OpusEncoderStrategy>("OpusEncoderStrategy", init<const int, 
>> const int, const int>())
>>      .def("setComplexity", &OpusEncoderStrategy::setComplexity)
>>      .def("getComplexity", &OpusEncoderStrategy::getComplexity);
>> }
>> #endif
>>> On Sep 8, 2016, at 4:47 PM, Stefan Seefeld <ste...@seefeld.name> wrote:
>>> Hi Jon,
>>> what you are describing makes perfect sense, and should work without
>>> problem. From your description it isn't clear why this isn't working, so
>>> I suggest you put together a self-contained test that doesn't work as
>>> you expect, and send that out so we can have a look. Otherwise we'd have
>>> to guess.
>>> The online docs at http://boostorg.github.io/python/doc/html/index.html
>>> should contain everything you need.
>>>       Stefan
>>> -- 
>>>     ...ich hab' noch einen Koffer in Berlin...
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