I followed the steps in the QuickStart of Boost.Python here:
I can successfully compile, link and get the output dll file, but I always
got and error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ImportError: No module named hello_ext

when trying to import it in python. This is my environment:

- Windows 7 Enterprise SP1 64 bit, I am the Administrator and run cmd as
- Python 2.7.13 64 bit
- Visual Studio 2015 (v14.0) Update 3
- In VS2015, the project name is ConsoleApplication1, so the output is
- I built the simple sample code under x64 configuration in VS2015 and I
verified with dumpbin that the output ConsoleApplication1.dll is really 64

I tried the following but got the same error:
- I added the search path to the ConsoleApplication1.dll into sys.path
- I changed the name of ConsoleApplication1.dll to hello_ext.dll

The QuickStart says "The resulting DLL is now visible to Python." but that
magic does not take place on my machine. Could you please tell me what I
had missed or, if I built the DLL properly, how to import it in python
command line? Thanks a lot.
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