
I’m working on Mod Organizer’s Python-based plugin support. If anyone needs 
context, the base branch is at 
https://github.com/Modorganizer2/modorganizer-plugin_python and my expansion is 
 Headers that get exposed to Python live in another repository at 

As part of my general tidying up of things, I found and replaced an incomplete 
boost::python::class_ definition for QDir which should have been using 
SIP/PyQt5 as it’s a Qt class. The change is 

This broke some things (and lead me to realise some other things were already 
broken). Specifically, I noticed that when a C++ function returns a Qt class by 
value and this function gets called from Python, the C++ part goes out of scope 
and is deallocated, despite still being used in Python. This is happening 
because the to-Python converter for these classes 
 is building the Python object around the existing C++ object instead of copy 
constructing a new one, and I guess to-Python converters are supposed to create 
something that will work even once the object being converted is deallocated. 
Unfortunately, that isn’t an option here, as some Qt types can’t be copy 
constructed (and even if they could, stuff might break which expected the thing 
it received to stay in sync).

What I’d like to be able to do is register separate to-Python converters, some 
of which require the C++ object to be kept alive, but return an l-value, and 
others which make a copy of the C++ object (although if Boost could use the 
former as the latter by doing the copying itself, that would be good, too). I 
can prevent these from leaking memory as SIP has the ability to let me transfer 
ownership at will. As far as I can tell, this option doesn’t exist. I wouldn’t 
be too surprised if some other workaround existed, but I don’t know what to put 
into Google to make it appear. I suppose it might be possible to make wrappers 
returning pointers for all functions that return by value, but I don’t know how 
I’d make a static function a boost::python::class_ member function.

Any help would be greatly appreciated,

Many thanks,


PS: If you do go looking through the whole repository rather than focusing on 
the specific bits I mentioned, don’t blame me for weirdness like there being 
wrappers for classes which will never be extended in Python as this project is 
years old, and I’ve only been working on it for a little bit.
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