On 2018-05-04 12:47 PM, Everest Chen wrote:
Hi all,

I m following the non-install quickstart guide for a ubuntu 16.04, I had problem at basic procedure step 4 https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_66_0/libs/python/doc/html/building/no_install_quickstart.html

the command is
/example/tutorial$ bjam --debug-configuration

then the msg is
notice: found boost-build.jam at /home/everest/Downloads/boost_1_67_0/boost-build.jam notice: loading Boost.Build from /home/everest/Downloads/boost_1_67_0/tools/build/src /home/everest/Downloads/boost_1_67_0/tools/build/src/tools/types/man.jam:8: in load
ERROR: rule "Copyright" unknown in module "man".

How to fix this? Thanks.

I forwarded the question to the Boost.Build maling list. Rene Rivera replied:

It's using an old, probably system installed, b2 executable. You need to use the b2 from the current boost distribution.



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