An update, I finally managed to build it.

I tried to summarize it here:

c++ - Boost.Python Quickstart Linker Errors - Stack 
I also saw that incompatible PDB format issue, but only with 1.57, which (since 
the Boost.Python source is the same for 1.57 and 1.55 and I can get it working 
on 1.55) I'm guessing is somehow related to the changes in the boost::build 

Note that I needed to patch the jamroot file, the sources themselves, and 
tools\build\src\tools\msvc.jam to get this working.

Hope someone finds the time to fix this at some point.

Kind regards,

From: arnout diels
Sent: Monday, December 10, 2018 1:23 PM
Subject: Boost-python failure to build basic example demo


I am trying to compile the quickstart example for the boost-python project, but 
I can't seem to succeed. I was hoping someone from the mailing list could point 
me to the right direction.
I am trying to follow the official documentation 
 etc) ,but seem to have to do a lot of extra steps, and still without result:

My current approach:

  *   (On a windows machine, having visual studio community 2017 installed, and 
so also the MSVC, as well as python 3.5)
  *   Download boost_1_68_0 and extract into C:\boost_1_68_0
  *   Run bootstrap

If I then try to follow the official documentation, the build fails with:

warning: no Python configured in user-config.jam
warning: will use default configuration
...found 26 targets...
...updating 11 targets...
msvc.write-setup-script ..\bin\standalone\msvc\msvc-14.1\msvc-setup.bat
compile-c-c++ extending.obj
extending.cpp(5): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 
'boost/python/class.hpp': No such file or directory

I figured out that by modifying the higher-level Jamroot file, that by adding 
"<include>C:\\boost_1_68_0",  I can at least get further.
The next error I run into is:

warning: no Python configured in user-config.jam
warning: will use default configuration
...found 1400 targets...
...updating 6 targets...
compile-c-c++ extending.obj
extending.cpp extending.pyd
LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'boost_python.lib'

I then "guessed" that I needed to manually build this library first, and so I 
ran: "C:\boost_1_68_0>.\b2 --with-python -j4". This then builds some libraries, 
like "libboost_python35-vc141-mt-gd-x32-1_68.lib".
This still does not fix any build.  Only when I manually copy the libraries to 
the example folder, and rename them, it finally tries to link, but then gives a 
lot of other errors. (See attachment)

I am clearly missing something here in either the build tool (never used jam 
before), or in my procedure.
Can somebody perhaps enlighten me with the correct procedure?

Thanks in advance!


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