
As I am sure others have run into this problem, surprisingly there is very 
little actually describing a solution.
I just built boost 1.70 yesterday but has still not been able to successfully 
build the tests.  Below is the output I get.  I cant find a boost_python 
library anywhere.
I am using 32bit python 3.5 through anaconda.

Any advice would be appreciated.

C:\Development\boost_1_70_0\libs\python\example\quickstart> ..\..\..\..\b2.exe 
toolset=msvc link=shared --verbose-test test
...found 34 targets...
...updating 9 targets...
msvc.link.dll extending.pyd
LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'boost_python.lib'

        call "..\bin\standalone\msvc\msvc-14.1\msvc-setup.bat"  >nul
/subsystem:console /out:"extending.pyd"  /LIBPATH:"C:\Miniconda3\libs"   

...failed msvc.link.dll extending.pyd extending.pdb...
...skipped <p.>test_ext for lack of <p.>extending.pyd...
compile-c-c++ embedding.obj
C:\Development\boost_1_70_0\boost/python/detail/wrap_python.hpp(57): fatal 
error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'pyconfig.h': No such file or directory

    call "..\bin\standalone\msvc\msvc-14.1\msvc-setup.bat"  >nul
cl /Zm800 -nologo @"embedding.obj.rsp"

...failed compile-c-c++ embedding.obj...
...skipped <p.>test_embed.exe for lack of <p.>embedding.obj...
...skipped <p.>test_embed.run for lack of <p.>test_embed.exe...
...failed updating 3 targets...
...skipped 5 targets...


Jimmy Rizos
Managing Director, Chief Technology Officer

400 Capital Management LLC  |   510 Madison Avenue   |   17th Floor   |   New 
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o  212.767.3136  |  m  917.716.4108  |  
jimmy.ri...@400capital.com<mailto:jimmy.ri...@400capital.com> | 

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