
I am new to Boost.Python and am trying to follow the Getting Started 
instructions here:


The first step is to “get the bjam build driver” and I’m referred to section 5 
of the generic Boost Getting Started Guide. But section 5 of the generic 
Getting Started guide doesn’t explain how to “get the bjam build driver”, or 
explain what the bjam driver is or how it works.

So I followed all the instructions to build and install Boost itself under 
section 5 “Easy Build and Install” of the generic Boost Getting Started guide 
 But this also fails at the step “./b2 install”, apparently because include 
paths are not set up correctly. But there is no explanation of how to set up 
include paths, and after all I am not supposed to need a complete install 
anyway. And since I’m apparently using a build engine, rather than an existing 
makefile or such, I don’t know to configure the include paths, and I don’t know 
what they should be anyway.

So I should back up. Is there a version of quickstart instructions that doesn’t 
refer you to another guide which doesn’t seem to explain what is needed anyway? 
How do I “Get the bjam build driver”. And what is it anyway? Won’t I need to 
know something about it to use Boost.Python? I don’t need any of Boost except 
for Boost.Python.

Sorry for newbie question. I’m new to Boost, but I’m NOT a newbie programmer, 
so I’m probably some justified in being confused by the instructions.

  *   Andy

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