
I spent most of yesterday trying to get the simple tutorials and example to 
build from within the Boost example folders, and finally succeeded. It was not 
super straightforward as the instructions seem incomplete and out of date. But 
after finding a tutorial on Boost.Build and understanding how it works, I was 
able to debug the build process and get the test scripts to run successfully.

Now I’d like to move to Spyder and run simple tests on the extension. However, 
when I try to execute a simple “import hello_ext” statement, I get an error 
trying to locate a dependent library. No amount of setting paths seem to help.

(I copied libboost_python37.dylib to /Users/andy before running this script. 
I’m on Mac OS Mojave


import os
os.environ['PATH'] += ':/Users/andy'
os.environ['DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = '/Users/andy'
import hello_ext


Traceback (most recent call last):

File "", line 7, in
import hello_ext

ImportError: dlopen(/Users/andy/Dropbox 
2): Library not loaded: libboost_python37.dylib
Referenced from: /Users/andy/Dropbox 
Reason: image not found
What magic is the boost environment performing to make this work? What can I do 
to make my python extensions look for libboost_python37.dylib in the location 
where it lives?

Thanks in advance for any help!

  *   Andy

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