Dear all,
I'm trying to compile boost.python with a version of python, that I've downloaded and built myself.
Is the "No-install quickstart"-page ( still updated, because some of the links are broken and
I honestly don't understand what is going on there.
Some questions that I have:
 - What is the bjam "build driver"? When I go to Section 5 of the boost Getting Started page - they mention something about an easy install option and another one for custom binaries.
  The entire page mentions neither bjam, nor "build driver".
 - I manage to build boost, by first running the bootstrap script and then calling b2 - if I select e.g. graph - it is built and copied into the correct directory, that I've specified. However,
   it doesn't work with my own Python folder.
  I wrote a small script to automate all steps:
#tar -xvf boost_1_73_0.tar.gz
cd boost_1_73_0
./ --prefix=../build_boost --with-libraries=python -with-python-root=../Python-3.6.10 --with-python-version=3.6  
./b2 install -d+2
echo "using python : : ../Python-3.6.10/python ;" > user-config.jam
My folder structure is as follows: (the script above)
     /Python-3.6.10 (contains the python source code and binaries that I've build myself)
     /boost_1_73_0 (boost source code as downloaded by the script)
     /build_boost (output folder as specified by prefix) 
When do I need to write this user-config.jam file? What are the compilation scripts looking for - can this process be debugged?
I also have boost installed via apt - now I think that everytime I call b2 or bjam it uses
the global versions of these programs, instead of the ones contained in the boost-directory I'm compiling - is that an issue?
Thanks in advance.
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