I was able to build the examples and I've been reading through the
documentation for both Boost Python and Boost Build. I'm on Ubuntu 18.06
with Boost 1.65 installed at /usr/include/boost.

I'm new to a project that has a C++ class written to communicate with a
motor controller within the ROS framework.

To get started, I copied Jamroot and Jamfile to the location of the C++

Do I need a user-config.jam in $HOME? If so how what is a good default file
to use? I've seen mention of some kind of bootstrap script but it's not
clear to me where that is or when it should be used.

I've seen references to Jamroot.jam and Jamfile.jam in addition to Jamroot
and Jamfile with no extension. Which is the recommended name?

Where can I set "toolset" so that I can omit "--toolset=gcc" when I run

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