On Sun, 18 Feb 2001, John Docwra wrote:

> I'm a newcomer to this list, so I was hoping to find stuff like your last
> posting, excellent find.
> Now a question, I am reading " Applied Cryptography: Protocols, Algorithms,
> and Source Code in C, 2nd Edition " by Bruce Schneier. I note that the "C"
> source code is on a separate CD ROM. Is it worth paying the extra $$'s to
> get?

My $0.2? Yes, the CD is a good source of material. Though to be fair I
have to admit that I do so much hands-on crypto that I've only got the 1st
ed. floppy around here somewhere. I'd also suggest taking a look at the
Dr. Dobb's line of CD-R's as well. I also found the CD for,

Number Theory: A programmers guide
M. Herkommer
ISBN 0-07-913074-7
$65 US

useful, thought it does total only a couple of M's.


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