On 19 Feb 2001, at 13:55, Tom wrote:

> sparky wrote:
> > > the dutch parliament members have made a decision today that
> > > software-patents in the netherlands shall either remain banned,
> > > and the law be cleared up in this respect, or subject to a
> > > scrutiny that shall be strict enough to eliminate most of the
> > > 30,000 "garbage patents" (as the meeting report calls it!)
> > > currently granted by the european patent office.
> > >
> > >
> > Got a reference?
> > 
> posted to [EMAIL PROTECTED] by Luuk van Dijk who, I think,
> attended the hearing. note that no law or such has been passed so far,
> the MPs had a hearing to make up their mind, and among others, free
> software people had been invited.
> I can dig out the full mail, if you want it.

If it's in Dutch I won't be able to read it. If it's in English, sure. 


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