A touching faith that no muggers read cypherpunks. Or, perhaps more
importantly, no-one who might be in the market for cheap 2nd-hand

Ray Dillinger wrote:
> On Fri, 2 Mar 2001, John Young wrote:
> >Ray,
> >
> >Please tell the make and model of the laptop, where it
> >was lifted and other details that would help a good
> >samaritan recognize it as what you say it is and has
> >in its innards.
> It is a compaq armada m700, with 128M memory and 6G
> hard drive.  It got kiped in San Francisco, on the
> western edge of a neighborhood known as hunter's point.
> It has already been reported to the appropriate police,
> but that's mainly pro forma; in the recovery of such
> items they are nearly useless.
> The application is called "Neuroserver".  It exists in
> a full GUI development environment/compiler (NSAE) and
> a windows service (NSRE) with associated runtime admin
> tools. There's also a solaris version, but that wasn't
> on the machine she had.
> If you want to know more about the application, you can
> ask it about itself - go to http://www.nativeminds.com,
> turn on cookies and javascript, and follow the "talk
> to nicole" link. It won't understand you if you get too
> far outside its subject matter or use sentences too long
> for it to figure out, but that's par for the course for
> this moment in time.
> >The dame chopped and shopped your secrets if
> >they were that, copying spooks ploying a bonus
> >from likeminders with the same venal bosses eager
> >to steal when profits peter, copying the boss spooks
> >copying the leaders of the earth and heaven.
> That's an interesting collection of words.  Do you
> suppose it's a sentence?
>                         Bear

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