We're leaving Tacoma tomorrow to drive down to
Frisco for the Meeting to agent provocateur. 

We got the 26th Floor bar of the Sheraton Tacoma to 
inaugurate the Jim Bellini, wrapped in Sarin, to celebrate 
Jim's success at holding twice-daily press conferences in 
the courtroom.

Adam Ciralsky and Declan McCulllagh ask Jim dipshit
stegnographic questions, and nobody interferes, except 
Jim's US Marshal batmen who persist in demanding Adam 
or Declan inteview them. 

At one of the rump sessions Robb London said he was 
going to demand affidavits of everyone about what was 
being discussed. He was ignored except by a woman who 
claimed to be Tim May. No shit, I said to her, show 
me your Claymores. 

This morning I discovered the jurors' names on the
court's public Web site. Holy Tanner I said to my partner,
don't look at this.

Later, Judge Jack said you put this on the Internet you're  
chittlins. You understand that, blue eyed devil?

We offered to be a witness for Jim Bell, hoping to
affirm the government's treating us like terrorists,
what we got was demand for cold cash to ride on Jim's
train as if what was good for 60 Minutes was the
penny ante.

It can't be said in public but the jurors are nauseous
at the condescension shown them by people in the courtroom
on the government fatroll.

A group therapy platoon of federal agents appeared today,
as testifying witnesses, as courtroom rubberneckers like
us. The fear, the loathing.

The stellar witness was a reporter from The Columbian who
you'd mistake for Jim, in philosophy, in purpose, in
looks, in obeying no gyroscope except his own.

The most believable witness was Jeff Gordon who affirmed
the off-the-record plot to nail Jim unofficially in the
honorable northwest tradition of vigilante justice. Ably
assisted by Jim as ever. "Let's make each other infamous."

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