> Second Day:  Jim Bell trial


> The next witness was Hilda Wong Muramoto who is a subpoena manager for @Home
> Corporation.  In direct testimony she stated that Bell had a cable modem
> account, that the "DNS designation and sub-domain" as well as the IP address
> were hard-wired, and that the account did not cover dial-up connections.
>  She said that the IP address was and that the DNS number
> was C1099371-A.  The DNS name that was captured in the e-mail that Bell
> allegedly sent to cypherpunks was encrv1.wa.home.com.  She claimed that
> those "numbers" could not appear on anyone else's e-mail.

"subpoena manager"? What in Tacoma is a "subpoena manager"? Do subpoenas
need managing? 

It sounds like they employ someone just to get sued.  Presumably that
means she is a PR clone or a lawyer. Why should a PR type know anything
about DNS & SMTP, any more than I (or Choate)  should be an expert on
the law?

If I was a grumpy judge and a company sent me a "subpoena manager" I
would be very tempted to send them right back & get someone who knew
what they are talking about.


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