Learn how you can earn $3 for each envelope that you fill with my
sales materials from your own comfortable home--- 100% Totally
    <<<<    STUFF 1000 ENVELOPES AND GET PAID $3000!       >>>>

"Yes, if you stuff 1000 envelopes with our sales materials, you are
guaranteed to be paid $3000 in cash"

Hello Friend and Job Seeker:
    Are you looking to be your own boss, interested in creating
and controlling your own work hours/schedule, and working from
your comfortable home?

    How about making more money in a week than you currently
make in a month?  Do you want to stop struggling for the low
wages you are currently earning?

    Can you find the time to put our sales materials in 1000
envelopes and make $3000 in cash?  How about 2000 envelopes for
$6000 in cash?  (You decide--- as there is no limit: we want to
send out our materials continuously and abundantly!)

    If you have answered yes to any of these questions. . . .
Then let me be the first to welcome you to BETTER SOLUTIONS.

    My name is Andrew Devore, President of Better Solutions.  I
have perfected a method that allows you to earn $3 per envelope
that you stuff with my sales materials.  And for a limited time,
I am seeking out people just like you who wish to have more
financial security, greater amounts of  spending money, an
improved standard of living, and a desire to work at home.
         <<An Explanation of Why I Need your Assistance.>>

    We would like to mail our offers out to hundreds of
thousands of people in the U.S.  And if we have home workers
handle the jobs of stuffing and mailing, we save big money on
overhead, extra office spaces, and having to hire more staff.

    Absolutely anyone can do this.  You can be young or old,
with or without a college degree.  You do not need any special
training or even a high school diploma.  It also doesn&#8217;t matter
where you live.  I am not kidding: it is really that simple.

    And the greatest news of all: there is no limit on how many
envelopes you are allowed to stuff.  If you stuff 300 envelopes, you
will get paid $900 cash!  If you stuff 1000 envelopes, you will
be paid $3000 cash.  All you need to do is follow, word-for-word, my
straight-forward instructions and you will get paid--- every
single time. . . .  Guaranteed!

    My method will even show you how to get the envelopes with
the addresses and stamps already on them.  This means no
addressing of envelopes or licking of stamps is required!  Simply
fill the envelopes with my sales materials, put them in the mail
box and you&#8217;ll get $3 for every single one--- again:
I have taken all the necessary measures to make things as simple
and easy as possible for you.

                     !DON'T RISK MISSING OUT!

    I am seeking a limited number of home workers, and I will
stop accepting orders as soon as I get enough home workers in
your area.  To avoid losing out on the chance to be one of our
home workers, order your "$3 Per Enveloped System" now!

    The cost of this system is only $27.50  Included is everything
you need to start making money immediately with easy step-by-step
instructions and supplies to get you started.  And remember: after
stuffing only 11 envelopes you&#8217;ll have earned more than your
investment back.

                  !!!45 Day Money Back Guarantee!!!

    You have a full 45 days (that is over six weeks) to use the "$3
dollar per envelope system".  If you have not realized the money
making potential of this system within this time, simply return
the materials and you&#8217;ll receive an immediate refund--- no


Andrew  W. Devore, President
Better Solutions

Important note:   There are two choices before you.  (1) You can
place this letter in your pile of junk mail and return to the
same old routine.  (2) Or you can order my system to solve all your
money problems starting immediately!  Which will it be?

                  PRINT OUT THE FORM BELOW

Please mail payment to:  

Better Solutions  
2065 Rodney Drive
Suite 105, Dept #302  
LA  CA  90027                      

First Name________________Last Name __________________________  



How Did You Learn About Better Solutions?____________

$ Amt. Enclosed?____________

(Circle One) Paying by:     Check      Money Order    Credit Card

(WE ACCEPT Visa, Mastercard, Discover, or American Express)

Type of card

Expiration Date________________$   Amount: $27.50

I am legally authorized to make purchases using this card.  After
the 45 day guarantee, I forfeit my right to chargeback and
request a reversal of charges for this credit-card purchase.


Please Note:  If you pay by money order, your order will be
processed immediately and sent out the next day.  We wait for all
checks to clear so there will be a 7-14 day delay on your order
being processed.  Credit cards clear faster than checks but slower
than money orders.   If you are paying by credit card, all the
information must be there for order to be processed!

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---- End Original Message ----

Free Prosperity E-Mail http://prosper.zzn.com, Prosperity In Your Mailbox
Get your own FREE Web and POP E-mail Service in 14 languages at http://www.zzn.com.

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