On Fri, 13 Apr 2001, Ray Dillinger wrote:

> In a fully distributed state, the number of elements that have to 
> fail in order to make the system not work is the same as the number 
> of elements in the system.  Fully distributed systems (as in plan D)
> have the structure of water.  

Actually that's not accurate, it depends on the particular 'hyper-cycles'
that the various components rely on in their existance.

Simply because a system is distributed doesn't imply that each 'node' or
participant is identical and non-unique (which is the problem with your
water comparison). Even in a fully distributed crypto-anarchy system the
individual are unique and non-interchangeable. Otherwise the entire 'pay
yoru way' would fall down, there'd be no reason to pay anything for
anything. If you were all interchangeable you'd already have whatever
it was we were talking about exchanging.

> It is interesting that trees need water, but water does not need 
> trees.

Bullshit. If it wasn't for the biosphere trapping hydrogen in water it'd
be gone a long time ago (ie no water).


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